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1. Purpose


  1. This policy aims to ensure that all AAA staff across the company understand and work within the standards and procedures applicable to the service. This will is achieved by ensuring that the standards and procedures detailed in this policy underpin all IAG activities undertaken by AAA.


  1. The three main dimensions of our approach are:

  • Implementation as an employer

  • Implementation as a service delivery organisation

  • The provision of effective leadership to the community through partnership


2. Scope of the Policy


  1. This policy applies to all clients undertaking a programme delivered by

AAA in any venue.


3. Management Responsibility


  1. The Directors of AAA and their designated representatives are directly responsible for implementing this policy.


4. Definitions


  1. ‘Information advice and guidance’ denotes a range of impartial guidance activities and processes that can support choices made by clients, the key elements of which are defined as follows:

  • Information:    information is data and basic factual information conveyed through different media (either printed or via Information and Communication Technology) on course opportunities, occupations or support services.

  • Advice: advice involves helping clients understand and interpret how the information provided might relate to their situation. The guidance lets clients understand their abilities and targets and may include suggestions or options for a given course of action.

  • Guidance: guidance aims to support clients to understand their needs better, confront barriers, and make informed and appropriate choices.

  • Referral: guidance may involve advocacy on behalf of some clients and referral for specialist guidance and support. Referral happens in person-to-person advice or guidance when another staff member, agency or provider offers services that more closely match the client’s needs.


5. AAA’s Commitment to our Clients/ Service Users


  1. AAA believes that high-quality and impartial IAG enables clients of all ages to make informed choices about their course and career options and thereby helps to maximise their participation and achievement in learning.

  2. AAA commits to the delivery of IAG services as follows:


  • AAA will provide access to IAG services to clients at all stages of their programmes.


  • At the pre-enrolment stage, all clients will receive impartial IAG covering the following broad areas:


  1. their choice of learning programme,

  2. an assessment of the suitability of the learning programme,

  3. the costs of the programme


  • The range of IAG services provided will reflect the diversity of the client’s needs.


  • Staff providing IAG will have the skills/knowledge/ experience to identify clients’ needs and to signpost and refer onwards as appropriate.


  • In any referral to a third party, either internally or externally, client confidentiality will be maintained in accordance with the Data Protection Act.


6. IAG Arrangements


  1. AAA’s IAG arrangements are as follows:


  1. IAG Team

    • This staff team provides initial information and advice to help potential clients choose the course that suits their needs and access any financial and learning support that may be available.


  • Where appropriate, referrals could be made at this point to specialist providers where additional services are required.


  • All clients have access to IAG.


7. Referral Arrangements


  1. Where necessary, with the client’s permission, they may be referred

to another provider or agency providing a service or course that more closely meets their needs. In these circumstances, IAG staff will help the clients complete the appropriate referral form and ensure that the clients are given any assistance required to follow up on this referral.


The referral process will be fully explained to the clients to include the following:

  1. details about any other organisation involved.

  2. confirmation as to why the referral is appropriate.

  3. clarification on what is expected of the clients.

  4. the setting of boundaries about the sharing of information with any other agency


8. Impartiality


The impartiality of information, advice and guidance is assured in the following ways:


  • Analysis of retention data

  • Analysis of results from Student interview and induction questionnaires

  • Clients review forms

    1. Observation of guidance and tutorial sessions

    2. Standardised ILP paperwork

    3. External assessment of IAG

    4. Feedback from referral partners and agencies


9. Confidentiality


  1. Client Records & Other Associated Documents


  • All client records, be they stored manually or electronically, are held in secure premises. Electronic records are stored in a secure cloud-based database accessible through password protocols. Personnel will ensure that all records are accurately stored and can be reliably retrieved.

  • Records are only accessible to staff directly concerned with the delivery of projects and services to the client.


Statement of Service


AAA’s vision of ‘Building Communities by Supporting Individuals’ is delivered through:


  • A discrete provision of services

  • Information advice & guidance (IAG) embedded within learning and employment-related services


Taking responsibility for life choices and progress in learning and work requires effective IAG. Good career advice is critical if people are to raise their aspirations and capitalise on the opportunities available to them. Access All Areas Training is committed to ensuring that everyone who accesses our services are supported in making informed choices about their future.


Access to information


  • Clients are entitled to request copies of any documents containing information about themselves or their companies. In the interests of all parties, where such requests ensue, a signature of endorsement showing the date of access and titles of documents put at their disposal would be required from the client.

  • Information relating to closed files is archived both manually and electronically. Summaries of actions/procedures will be available for access to eligible parties for a period of 6 years, after which they may be destroyed unless there is a specific requirement by a contractor third party to maintain such records indefinitely.



10. Staff Development


Initial training or update training for staff involved in delivering IAG will be included in the AAA’s annual staff development and ongoing qualification-based training arrangements.


11. Related Documents



  1. Complaints and Grievance Procedure

  2. Equality and Diversity Policy

  3. Data Protection Policy

  4. Safeguarding Policy and Procedure


Appendix 1


The National IAG Board Principles for Coherent Delivery in IAG Services


  • Accessible and Visible – IAG services that are recognised and trusted by clients have convenient entry points from which clients may be signposted or referred to the services which most closely meet their needs and are open at times and in places which suit clients’ needs.


  • Professional and Knowledgeable – IAG frontline staff will have the skills and knowledge to identify quickly and effectively the client’s needs. They will have the skills and expertise to address the client’s needs, signpost, or refer them to suitable alternative provisions.


  • Effective Connections – links between IAG services should be clear from the client's perspective. Where necessary, clients are supported in their transition between services.


  • Availability, Quality and Delivery of IAG services – should be targeted at the client’s needs and be informed by social and economic priorities at local, regional and national levels.


  • Diversity –the range of IAG services will reflect the diversity of clients’ needs.


  • Impartial – IAG services support clients to make informed decisions about learning and work based on the client’s needs and circumstances.


  • Responsive – to present and future needs of clients.

  • Friendly – and welcoming IAG services encourage clients to engage successfully with the service.


  • Enabling – services which encourage and support clients to become lifelong clients by enabling them to access and use the information to plan their careers.


  • Learning and Work – IAG services will support clients in exploring the implications for both learning and work in their future career plans.


  • Awareness - young people and adults will be aware of the IAG services that are relevant to them and have well-informed expectations of those services.











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